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“In Colossians 3:12, Jesus says 3 things define us: We are 'chosen (not choice), holy (set apart), and dearly loved.' Then he lists 5 garments of grace he gives us and wants us to wear: 'compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.' Being this loved, let’s get/stay dressed.” (Scotty Smith)

I recently read the above quote on social media and it really captured my attention as it drew my focus to look at this verse from a fresh perspective, especially on how it impacts us, His daughters, in the work place.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Colossians 3:12)

The first thing I was taught on about this verse is to ask myself, “What is the ‘therefore’ there for?” In the previous 6 verses (Colossians 3:5-11) Paul is reminding us what NOT to bring along with us when we become His:


-sexual immorality


-evil desires






-filthy language


-looking down on people because of their class or race

That is quite the list, isn’t it? So when Paul says, “Therefore,” he is wanting us to know what we are now TO do now that we know what we aren’t to do.

We are to walk out our relationship with God in three key ways:

SPIRITUALLY – to acknowledge God has made us holy, and we now are capable of making wise decisions regarding temptation and sin with God’s help.

How does this impact us at work? We now have Holy Spirit’s help when we face a situation where we are tempted to choose a short cut which isn’t best for the company we work for, or are about to shoot back a negative comment when someone says something unkind to us.

MENTALLY - to hold fast to the truth that we are chosen, and now His. This new mindset is to remind us that we are no longer who we once were.

How does this impact us at work? When we are overlooked for a promotion or change of job duties, we can rest in the truth that we are forever chosen by God. And just because we may have made mistakes in the past, we no longer have to have the same mindset. Those who are forgiven now have a clear mind, and we are not longer weaponless when the enemy tries to sneak lies or past labels into our mind.

EMOTIONALLY – to accept that God loves us so much we are referred to as dearly loved, beloved, throughout the Word.

How does this impact us at work? On the harder days, we are able to recognize that although we may be under the crunch of a looming deadline, or having to cover additional duties for our sick coworkers, we are deeply loved and do not need to stress ourselves out by feeling like we have to prove our worth. We can rest in the truth that no matter what, we are His beloved, always.

Now that we know our position to God – He chose us, He makes us holy, and He loves us so – we are reminded that these are the key ways in which we are now to be defined. I don’t know about you, but I sighed with a sense of relief as I reread the first half of this verse, because it made it clear again that these three keys are all because of what God has done and continues to do for us!

Bringing This to God in Prayer:

“God, I am so thankful that You knew exactly what we would need when You rescued us. You placed us spiritually in Your forever family. You help us make wise choices with the help of Your Word and Holy Spirit’s guidance. You reassure me that I am worthy because You have deemed me so. Help me turn to You first when I am stressed, fearful or tempted to do wrong, knowing that here is nothing too small or too big for You to help me with. In Jesus’ Name, Amen."

Next month, I will begin unpacking the second half of Colossians 3:12, as we take a closer look at what God wants us to wear/put on at work as those He loves reaching out to those who may not yet know that they too are loved!

Karla Lees
Christian Women at Work

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

One day, I was shopping in a Christian bookstore and saw a card that said, “Nothing is going to happen today that you and I cannot handle together - God.” A friend instantly came to mind, and I purchased the little card. Later that week, when visiting her in her home, I secretly put the card up on her fridge, which was covered with children’s art and hard to notice.

A few weeks later, my friend called me, asking if I had put up the card. She told me her mother had suffered a stroke shortly after the party, and she had been upset and worried. She shared how she had gone to her fridge to get something, noticed my card for the first time, and said they were the perfect words she needed to hear. What an encouragement it had been for her.

Sometimes it is evident someone needs to be encouraged. At other times, God goes ahead of us and sets things in place. We may not have any idea what an impact it may have! Our part is to “pay attention to the nudges” - those positive ideas or thoughts which suddenly come to mind regarding someone else. They seem to come unexpectedly but are really about God going ahead.

Our role as followers of Christ at work is to encourage others who need it, not to judge them. That is God’s role. When we interact with others, we can guide with counsel or criticism. As His daughters, we need to choose counsel.

As a business owner, I know firsthand that there are times when people need correction or feedback. However, it can be given in a counseling, encouraging, and supportive manner, not critically and disrespectfully.

This is what bringing your faith to work is about – treating others as you would like to be treated and bringing that into your “everyday workday.”

It may not be just regarding a work issue: there may be complicated issues in their personal life. It is not our role to judge what is happening or what went beforehand in their lives; it is our job to encourage them or “put courage” into them based on what they feel they need to do. They may ask you for your advice, and then you have an opportunity to offer counsel. However, remember to put yourself in their shoes. People going through challenging times need encouragement, not judgment.

Do not let those nudges pass by when you get them. Consider if they are lovely and true, kind and generous, that God may be sending you ahead to help or encourage someone as He did with my friend.

This week, be mindful of nudges that come to mind. Ask God to bring people to your mind and heart that need a special touch of encouragement. Consider that God may use you to be His helpful, loving, and encouraging arms at work and home. In this way, they will be encouraged, and so will you, as you see God bless others through you.

May God Bless you this week and those you interact with.
Bonny, Christian Women at Work

Writer's picture: Karla LeesKarla Lees


Every Thanksgiving, we are reminded to celebrate all we have to be thankful for in our lives.

But God doesn’t want us to just be especially thankful once a year. He longs for us to be thank-full every day, in every situation, every time we can.

You recall that verse “Give thanks in all circumstances” we hear every year around Thanksgiving? There’s more to it….for it wasn’t meant to stand on its own!

"Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Be cheerful no matter what.

Being of good cheer is part choice, and part based upon how we handle the emergencies and hard situations we face. Which links it to the next instruction in this verse:

Pray all the time.

All the time. Out loud, in your mind, or with your spirit, constantly bringing everything to Him in the moment.

And when we connect with Him as we do so?

(We can) Give thanks in all circumstances.

Only when all three occur together does the last part of this verse make complete sense:

This (cheerfully praying with thanks every step of all we encounter) is the way God wants His Beloved to live….

  • Choosing joy.

  • Connected with Him.

  • Celebrating with thanks.

This Thanksgiving season, take the time to look back on how God has been with you in every season, and what He walked you through.


  • Laugh, twinkle your eyes or flash your dimple!

  • Because cheerful inside usually leads to a sign on the outside! 🙂


  • However you pray: Whether by speaking it. Thinking it. Writing it. Singing it. Drawing it. On your own. In two or three. At home. At work. Over coffee. While walking.


  • We are so extra blessed when we are part of God’s family!

  • We are loved beyond measure by our Father. We belong.

  • We are inheritors of the Kingdom, made whole and clean in Jesus. We are free.

  • We have access to resources surpassing our comprehension through Holy Spirit. We are never alone.

Because God is fully with us through all things, we can always, and in all ways, have a reason to be thank-full. Especially when we are at work!

And then these verses, in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, become as they were intended by God in our lives: Thanksliving as we express how thank-full we are to Him!

Karla Lees, Christian Women at Work

© 2021 by Christian Women at Work

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