“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
Entrepreneurs tend to have their minds full of things to think about, complete, create, analyze, improve and…and….and! We seem to be wired that way. Often, we find ourselves trying to complete one thing, but our mind starts to wander to something else. It is hard to fully focus when many “undone” things still need to be done. This is often the case when there are many simultaneous projects, responsibilities, and opportunities. We may find ourselves being terribly busy but having difficulty completing what needs to be completed. We may not be able to change the abundance of creative ideas that seem to naturally come to us, but we can change our effectiveness in following through.
Does that sound like you? If you want to be more successful and effective, it is time to develop an “ACE” Schedule. This is a simple management approach in which you specifically guard time in your schedule to ensure things are accomplished.
The three components of an ACE Schedule are:
Act: Designate specific time in your schedule to work (action time)
Create: Designate specific time in your schedule to create (creativity time)
Enjoy: Designate specific time in your schedule for enjoyment (fun time)
“Act, create and enjoy” are broad and general categories. You put in the specifics in terms of the time to get specific things done, the time to spend creating, and the time to just relax, exercise and enjoy. See below for some ideas on how the ACE schedule works and how it can work for you.
Act: An ACE schedule is one where you will designate time in your schedule to do your work. It is the time to complete tasks and responsibilities. Not 80% but 100%. You may need to designate a few hours, or you may need to designate a few months. It does not matter how big or small the project. Designate the time as you feel is needed. Look ahead in your schedule and block it off like a meeting. Guard that time unless there is an emergency. Remember, small amounts of time are important as they add up to a large amount of time.
Create: An ACE Schedule is one where you will designate specific time in your schedule to create. Do you sometimes find yourself working on something and then a great idea comes into your head? It is tempting to start to “unpack it” but that is not the time. Write the thought down and any ideas that have come to mind. Do not take more than two minutes to do this. Then, return to what you were doing, knowing there is a “thinking time” scheduled for another time.
Enjoyment: An ACE schedule is one where you designate time in your schedule to rest, exercise and have fun. It is time to just stop working or developing a new business idea. Although entrepreneurs love to create, research, and develop, it is healthy to take some time away from it. You can be more productive if you are rested and refreshed. Give this a good try!
This week, take time to prayerfully look at your schedule and start planning “Act” time to complete tasks, “Create” time to research and develop your business ideas and “Enjoyment” time to relax, exercise and have fun. Join us next week as we talk about “Tips to Having an ACE Schedule.”
Have a wonderful week! God Bless,
Bonny, Christian Women at Work