While reading the Bible this past week, I was impacted by a chapter in Colossians. In fact, it jumped out of the page to me as it could be read as a very meaningful prayer for working Christian women. These verses summarizing the desire of our hearts in what we want to accomplish at work, the desire to do the Lord’s will and the desire for Him to be honored spoke straight to my heart. It seemed to me this could be a prayer written for a busy Christian working woman and a prayer we can pray for each other.
“So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.
We also pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to His people, who live in the light. For He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.” (Colossians 1:9-14)
This prayer is divided into two parts. The first part refers to gathering knowledge, the second to using that knowledge which has been gathered. The first part refers to learning more and more about God, the second applies that knowledge to our lives to honor God and bless others.
There are ten separate prayers in this prayer for knowledge and the ability to actively use this knowledge to honor God, bless others and bring joy to our lives.
Praying God would fill us with the knowledge of His will and what to do
Praying God would give us wisdom and understanding
Praying this knowledge would be applied in our lives so we may honor God
Praying this knowledge would be applied in our lives and it would be pleasing to Him
Praying this knowledge would bear fruit in every good work
Praying we would grow in the knowledge of God
Praying we would be strengthened with God’s amazing power
Praying we would have endurance and patience
Praying we would be filled with joy
Praying and thanking God always
This week, consider something that you are either working on at work, have a question about, need to decide about and/or is stressing you. Apply this prayer to what you are concerned about. Apply each of the 10 prayers in your thought process about this issue. Take time with each prayer to see what God wants you to know and apply in this area.
You might be wondering if you should open your own business. You could apply the Colossians Prayer in this way:
“Lord, I am praying about opening my own business.
As I read Your Word and listen to Your Voice, please fill me with knowledge of what You want me to know and the wisdom to understand what you are revealing to me.
Please guide me to make a decision that will honor and please You based on what Your Word says and what You reveal to me as I listen to You.
Please guide me to a decision that will allow me to bless others in the work You would have me do. Although I may not fully understand what the future holds, I know You do, and I depend on Your guidance.
Whether I open a business or not, my desire is to grow in the knowledge of You. Please protect me from making a decision that would interfere with that.
Whether Your will for me is to open a business or not, give me the strength, endurance, and patience to do whatever You guide me to do.
Lord, help me to always remember that although my work is important and You care about what I do, that my ultimate joy is from You and because of You.
Thank You Lord for Your love and guidance as I turn to you to make this decision.”
The more we depend on God, the more we read His Word and the more time we spend in prayer, the more we will see what the Lord wants us to know, understand and apply in our lives. Pray The Colossians Prayer regularly as you work through your decision making. Try to do this exercise as often as you can and journal the knowledge God reveals to you. Look for God’s peace as you work towards making a decision in the area of your life you are turning to God for knowledge and direction.
May God richly bless you as you apply this Colossians Prayer to your workplace decisions.
Have a great week!
Bonny, Christian Women at Work