"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)
Do you make assumptions about what people in your workplace value? You may think something is important to them, but it may not be. Like most assumptions, this holds a certain amount of risk. It may be of value to one staff member, but not to another. You may think something is important to them because it is important to you. We determine what is of value to someone by asking them and spending some time with them.
I booked an interim review with a new staff person this past week. Usually, time would be set aside only on an annual basis, although informal feedback would be provided during the year. However, formal time offers a more adequate opportunity to discuss situations, opportunities, or concerns instead of "on the fly" during a busy workday. This provided the opportunity to determine their impression, what they enjoy, what they would like to work on, and their opinions. I added a new question, "What is your favorite coffee or tea?" which did cause a smile! We need to know what they value, from the most important to even their favorite hot drink! The next time I see an opportunity to thank her or congratulate her for a job well done, then perhaps her favorite cup of coffee or tea on her desk will let her know how much she is valued.
Knowing what your staff value must be a priority. According to Seek, besides money, employees value the following 10 things:
1. Purpose "We all want to know how our work impacts others in a positive, meaningful way that goes beyond economic value." 2. Flexibility "We're seeing across the board – post-COVID-19 – that flexibility can be applied, and productivity outcomes can still be met". 3. Well-being "For some employees, well-being will be physical, mental, emotional or relational – it's worth asking them." 4. Equality "No one should be valued less than others. You do that by living and breathing that sense of value and equality across your teams." 5. Empowerment "Empowerment is the sense of wanting to be in charge of our own output and process as much as we can within the cultural norms and expectations of an organization." 6. Learning "A lot of us are really hardwired to learn, grow and to challenge ourselves. Learning opportunities don't necessarily need to be big-ticket items." 7. Democracy "Everyone's voice should be valid." 8. Choice "The freedom to determine what you work on, and how you do it." 9. Challenge "We all want to learn and grow and stretch ourselves." 10. Belonging "We need to feel like we belong, that people want us there, and that they're part of a greater goal and purpose."
From: https://www.seek.com.au/employer/hiring-advice/10-factors-top-talent-use-to-rank-employers Starting this week, consider scheduling formal time with your staff to determine what they value. Ask them what is important to them in the workplace. Let them tell you from their heart, mind, and experience. If they are not sure, consider taking this list with you. Start to determine what is of value to them. Hopefully, what they value is in line with your company's values. If not, it may be a reason for any conflicts which have arisen. That is another topic, but knowing what they value is the first step in letting them know they are valued and may also become a discussion point if there is a difference between their values and your company. May God richly bless you this week as you consider the value of your employees, so you have the opportunity to bless them and demonstrate Micah 6:8 at work. Have a great week! Bonny, Christian Women at Work