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Proverbs at Work: Acknowledging God

Bonny O'Hare

"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path." (Proverbs 3:6)

Do you have a sense of direction? If you are like me, the answer would be a definite and resounding “no.” I have no idea what north is unless I know the area and have memorized north, south, east, and west. There have been many times I have been in an uncomfortable or scary situation because I did not know which way to go. When driving or walking, I continually use an app to point me in the right direction. Since I am being guided, I no longer need to be afraid.

At work, we want to make sure we are heading in the right direction as we make decisions, navigate an intense conversation or make a difficult choice. God has said that if we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct our paths. We can claim Proverbs 3:6 every day:

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

As God directs our paths, there are steps we can confidently take:

  1. Remember He is with us in our everyday work. We can continue to be aware of His presence, giving us comfort as we deal with complex issues. We are never alone.

  2. Be still and know that He is God. When faced with an unexpected turn of events or difficult situations, we can choose to be still and know that He is God. This leads to personal calm and peace, even though things around us can be in turmoil or unknown.

  3. Put Him first and listen for His voice in everything we do. When we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct us. When we acknowledge His presence, love, and guidance, He will keep us on track.

As you reflect on your workplace, responsibilities, and people you work with, what are the different ways you can acknowledge God today? Start with something that you feel will be a challenge this week.

•Is it a choice you have to make? Acknowledge Him by praying about it and asking for wisdom. He will guide you.

•Is it a decision (important or seemingly trivial)? His words you have written on your heart, which the Holy Spirit will help you to recall, will direct you.

•Is it an upcoming conversation? God is with you, be still and know He is God, and acknowledge to God that you want to honor Him in what you say. He will direct you and give you wisdom and peace.

•Is it an unexpected event? We never know what the day will bring, but we know God is with us. Take a moment to remember, “Be still and know that I am God,” as this allows you to become calmer. Then, say or do what will be pleasing to Him.

•What is one thing you are anticipating next week with some concern and apprehension? God does not want you to be anxious. He wants you to know you are not alone and that He is giving you the wisdom and knowledge to deal with the situation. Acknowledge God and His principles and trust Him to guide you.

Taking this to God in Prayer:

Heavenly Father, this day, and every day at work, please help me to acknowledge you in all that I do and say, to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and not do anything that would displease you. May my prayer always be, “Lord, I have an idea of what will happen today and what I may need to do. I put my day in Your hands to change what would not be honoring or pleasing to You. In Jesus’ Name,


May God richly bless you as you acknowledge the Lord in all your ways at work.

Bonny, Christian Women at Work


© 2021 by Christian Women at Work

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